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Annotation for validation base64 string in Spring

I have a rest service with my request body bean annotated with javax.validation like @NotBlank @NotNull @Pattern etc., and in one specific field I receive a file encoded as a string base64,

so, is there an annotation, or how could I write a custom validation annotation, so it would check if the string is really a base64 string?

I just need a validation like this in annotation form:

try {
    return true;
} catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    return false;

thnx in advance


  • Yes, you could write your own annotations and validators for them.

    Your annotation would look like this:

    @Constraint(validatedBy = Base64Validator.class)
    @Target( { ElementType.FIELD })
    public @interface IsBase64 {
        String message() default "The string is not base64 string";
        Class<?>[] groups() default {};
        Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

    Constraint validator javax.validation implementation (I'm using here your code for the actual validation):

    public class Base64Validator implements ConstraintValidator<IsBase64, String> {
        public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext cxt) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                return false;

    Example data class with the annotated field:

    public class MyPayload {
        private String value;

    And controller method example with @Valid annotation which is required:

    public String test(@Valid @RequestBody MyPayload myPayload) {
        return "ok";

    UPDATED: Also, if you want to check whether the fiven string is a base64 string, you can use the method isBase64() from apache-commons libraby, the class is org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 So, it would look like this Base64.isBase64(str);