I want to export the function manualStrobeTimeout
with the values especified within the manualBPM_text.addEventListener("change")
's scope. Right now, the console logs the export as undefined, meaning that the value doesn't change from when the variable was declared. How would I export the function with the values declared within that scope? Keep in mind that I cannot declare the function's values outside of the event listener, as this would interfere with the set intervals.
Here's the relevant module's code:
import { strobeActive } from "./onBtn.js"; // variable to check if ON button is active/pressed
// manual bpm variables definition and event listener
var manualBPM = 0;
var manualBPM_interval = 0;
const body = document.querySelector("body");
var ranTimes = 0;
// strobe duration variable definition and event listener
var duration = 100;
const slider = document.getElementById("MM-duration-slider");
slider.addEventListener("input", function() {
duration = slider.value;
}, false);
var manualBPM_text = document.getElementById("manual-value");
var manualStrobeTimeout;
if (strobeActive == true) {
manualBPM_text.addEventListener("change", function() {
clearInterval(manualStrobeTimeout); // so that old value doesn't interfere with new value
manualBPM = manualBPM_text.value;
manualBPM_interval = (60 / manualBPM) * 1000;
manualStrobeTimeout = function() {
// repeat once the interval expires
setInterval(function() {
// trigger strobe
// kill strobe once the strobe duration expires
setTimeout(function() {
}, duration);
console.log("BPM: " + manualBPM + " (source: " + BPMvalueSource + ") | Strobe duration: " + duration + "ms | " + "Times ran: " + ranTimes);
}, manualBPM_interval);
}, false);
export { manualBPM_text };
export { manualStrobeTimeout };
I want use the imported function in the following statement (on a seperate JS file):
if (BPMvalueSource == "manual") {
console.log(manualStrobeTimeout()); // returns "undefined"
} else if (BPMvalueSource == "tap") {
I have tried using window.
to set the function as global, but to no avail. I have also made sure that I am importing and exporting correctly, and also tried using a dynamic import. This also did not work. Both JS files have the attribute type="module"
was not clearing the interval.let lastManualBPMValue;
if (strobeActive == true) {
manualBPM_text.addEventListener("change", function() {
lastManualBPMValue = manualBPM_text.value;
}, false);
export { manualBPM_text };
let manualStrobeTimeout;
export function manualStrobe() {
clearInterval(manualStrobeTimeout); // so that old value doesn't interfere with new value
manualBPM_interval = (60 / lastManualBPMValue) * 1000;
manualStrobeTimeout = setInterval(function() {
}, manualBPM_interval);