How do I create Search Engine Safe URLs in Fusebox 5.1 noxml?
For instance, I want this:
Instead of this:
Fusebox 5.1 is suppose to be able to do this. I've read this article, but it only applies to the xml version. I know so little, I am not sure where to start. How do I do it with the noxml version of fusebox?
Update: It looks like I need to add this to my Application.cfc file. Still not working though...
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.myself = "index.cfm/fuseaction/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringStart = "/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringSeparator = "/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringEqual = "/";
Fusebox 5.1 allows you to use SES URLs by allowing you to change ? & to /. You still need to provide your own rewriter. However, if you are able to upgrade to 5.5 it supposedly handles rewriting, too.
Example Rewriter
// SES converter
qrystring = ArrayNew(1);
if ( Find("/",cgi.path_info) eq 1 and Find("/#self#",cgi.path_info) eq 0 ) {
qrystring = cgi.path_info;
} else if ( Len(Replace(cgi.path_info,"#self#/","")) gt 0 ) {
qrystring = ListRest(Replace(cgi.path_info,"#self#/","#self#|"),"|");
} else if ( FindNoCase("#self#/",cgi.script_name) gt 0 ) {
qrystring = ListRest(Replace(cgi.script_name,"#self#/","#self#|"),"|");
arQrystring = ListToArray(cgi.path_info,'/');
for ( q = 1 ; q lte ArrayLen(arQrystring) ; q = q + 2 ) {
if ( q lte ArrayLen(arQrystring) - 1 and not ( arQrystring[ Q ] is myFusebox.getApplication().fuseactionVariable and arQrystring[ q+1] is self ) ) {
attributes['#arQrystring[ Q ]#'] = arQrystring[ q+1];
If you choose to use Coldcourse...
Below will help you get started. You can ignore server-side rewriting (ISAPI for IIS) if you want /index.cfm/circuit/action/ formatted URLs. But if you want /circuit/action/ or /blah/ you'll need to make it server side.
Put on onApplicationStart (or onRequestStart for testing) to put in memory.
<cfset application.coldcourse = createObject("component","components.util.coldcourse").init("/config/coldcourse.config.cfm")>
index.cfm Place this before the framework loads
<cfset application.coldcourse.dispatch(cgi.path_info, cgi.script_name) />
coldcourse.config.cfm (example config)
<cfset setEnabled(true)>
<cfset setFrameworkEvent("action")>
<cfset setFrameworkSeparator(".")>
<cfset setFrameworkActionDefault("")>
<cfset setUniqueURLs(true)>
<cfset setBaseURL("")>
<!--- CUSTOM COURSES GO HERE (they will be checked in order) --->
<!--- for pages --->
<cfset addCourse("components")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="about",controller="main",action="about")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="contact",controller="main",action="contact")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="help",controller="main",action="help")>
<!--- If nothing else matches, fall back to the standard courses (you probably shouldn't edit these) --->
<cfset addCourse(":controller/:action/:id")>
<cfset addCourse(":controller/:action")>
<cfset addCourse(":controller")>
Install ISAPI Rewrite
Make sure you are using the correct rewrite regex because version 2.0 is different from 3.0.
Example for 2.0 script:
# Coldcourse URL Rewrite for CF
IterationLimit 0
RewriteRule ^(/.+/.+/.*\?.+\..*)$ /index.cfm/$1
RewriteRule ^(/[^.]*)$ /index.cfm/$1
Disable Check if File Exists on web server
Do this for IIS if you're getting a 404 error in your web logs.