I am relatively new to swagger. I have a case where I have an api with 2 tags as mentioned below.
@ApiOperation(value = "readplans", nickname="readplans",notes = "readplansfortag1, readplansfortag2", tags = {"tag1","tag2"})
@RequestMapping(value = "/readplans", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String[]> readplans() {
log.info("readAddonPlansByBasePlan() - start");
String a ={"plana","planb","planc"};
log.info("readAddonPlansByBasePlan() -end");
return new ResponseEntity<>(a, "OK");
Now, I want to give different descriptions like readplansfortag1 when it is shown under tag1 and readplansfortag2 when it is shown under tag2.
Any help would be appreciated!!
It's not possible.
The only workaround is to have two different paths, for example, /readplans1
under tag1 and /readplans2
under tag2. In this case you can have a unique description for each path.