Is there an easy way to run a single migration? I don't want to migrate to a certain version I just want to run a specific one.
You can just run the code directly out of the ruby file:
rails console
>> require "db/migrate/20090408054532_add_foos.rb"
Note: Very old versions of rails may require AddFoos.up
rather than
. If your migration has a "change" method, you need to run
An alternative way (without IRB) which relies on the fact that require returns an array of class names:
script/runner 'require("db/migrate/20090408054532_add_foos.rb").first.constantize.up'
Note that if you do this, it won't update the schema_migrations
table, but it seems like that's what you want anyway.
Additionally, if it can't find the file you may need to use require("./db/..."
or try require_relative
depending on your working directory