I have this command in javascript that works, but can't seem to translate it into playwright. For my project, I have 10 item cards and I need to find if item description is missing inside each item card or not. (there should be 1 missing description in my case)
I've tried
const rows = await this.page.locator(itemCard);
inside loop)
if (await rows.locator('has:itemDescription').nth(i) == null) {
console.log("No description") }
else { console.log("has description"}
but the above code seems to print out 10 "has descriptions" instead of 9. There should be one "No description".
To do an almost exact translation of what you seemed to be doing, your if condition could translate to this:
if (!(await rows.nth(i).locator(itemDescription).isVisible())) {
I don’t know the full context/goal or what your actual core requirement is, but if it satisfies it, you could also just get a count of how many exist, and assert or log how many there are. To get this count, you could do something like this:
await rows.filter({ has: this.page.locator(itemDescription) }).count();
Also just realized that you were doing get by class name before, so your rows locator also would need a tweak to specify css class, like so:
const rows = await this.page.locator(`.${itemCard}`);
Happy to provide more specifics if needed and given more context. Hope that helps!