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How to make argsort return 2D indexes

torch argsort returns indexes inside the row or a column depending on dim=...

How can I instead get a 2D indexes ..f.e..

[[ r1,r2,r3,...], [c1,c2,c3,.....]]

thanks... this is what I did

def unravel_indices(indices, shape):
    coord = []

    for dim in reversed(shape):
        coord.append(torch.fmod(indices, dim))
        indices = torch.div(indices, dim, rounding_mode='floor')

    coord = torch.stack(coord[::-1], dim=-1)

    return coord
torch.unravel_indices = unravel_indices


  • Although numpy has unravel_index to perform this, there's no built-in for Torch but you can do it yourself. Easy enough for two dimensions:

    yy, xx = indices // width, indices % width

    fwiw pytorch has had a function request and PR(s) floating around for several years now.