I have a class where optionally a Comparator
can be specified.
Since the Comparator
is optional, I have to evaluate its presence and execute the same stream code, either with sorted()
or without:
if(comparator != null) {
} else {
Is there a more elegant way to do this without the code duplication?
A default Comparator
is not an option, I just want to keep the original order of the values I am streaming.
Besides, the elements are already mapped at the point of sorting, so I can not somehow reference the root list of the stream, as I do not have the original elements anymore.
You can do something like this:
Stream<Something> stream = [...].stream().map()[...]; // preliminary processing
if(comparator != null) {
stream = stream.sorted(comparator); // optional sorting
stream... // resumed processing, which ends in some terminal operation (such as collect)