Considering this piece of Kotlin code, that collects all declared fields in superclass hierarchy, is there way to write it using functional programming?
var scanClass: Class<*>? = someClass
val fields = mutableListOf<Field>()
while (scanClass != null) {
fields += scanClass.declaredFields
scanClass = scanClass.superclass
Yes, you can write the same code using functional programming in Kotlin by using a sequence of classes generated by iteratively taking the superclass of the current class. Here's an example:
val fields = generateSequence(someClass) { it.superclass }
.flatMap { it.declaredFields.asSequence() }
In this code, the generateSequence function generates a sequence of classes, starting with someClass and then iteratively taking its superclass. The flatMap function is used to flatten the sequence of arrays of fields into a single sequence of fields. Finally, the toList function collects the elements of the sequence into a list.