I started playing with Keycloak, but I have a question. While reading articles, I always found examples where a client (let's say Angular) is logging in on Keycloak, it gets a bearer and then it send the bearer to the SpringBoot application. The backend, so, validates that the bearer is valid and, if so, it allows you accessing the desired endpoint.
But it's not enough in my opinion. I don't need just to login, I would need the entire functionality - let's say I have a backend application and I need a user. I could have a basic todo-application, how do I know for which backend user I am actually accesing an endpoint?
Straight question: how can I bind my own backend user (stored in the DB from backend) to the one from Keycloak?
What is the best way to do it? The only thing that I found online and into the Keycloack documenation is that I could move the logic of logging in from client (Angular) to backend (SpringBoot). Is this the way to go?
Imagine like I'm creating my manual /login endpoint on backend on which I would then call the Keycloak server (Keycloak REST client?) and I would pass myself (as a backend) the bearer to the client.
Please help me with an explanation if I'm right or wrong, what's the best practice, maybe help me with an online example, because I just found out the too easy ones.
Keycloak is an OpenID provider and emits JWTs. You already have the standard OpenID info about user identity in the token (matching requested scopes), plus some Keycloak specific stuff like roles plus whatever you add with "mappers".
All the data required for User Authentication (identity) and Authorization (access-control) should be embedded in access-tokens.
In my opinion, the best option is to leave user management to Keycloak (do not duplicate what is already provided by Keycloak). An exception is if you already have a large user database, then you should read the doc or blog posts to bind Keycloak to this DB instead of using its own.
I have detailed that for Spring Boot 3 in this other answer: Use Keycloak Spring Adapter with Spring Boot 3
In addition to explaining configuration with Spring Boot client and resource-server starters, it links to alternate Spring Boot starters which are probably easier to use and more portable (while building on top of spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server
I Also have a set of tutorials from most basic RBAC to advanced access-control involving the accessed resource itself as well as standard and private OpenID claims from the token (user details) there.
For performance reason, it is a waste to query a DB (or call a web-service) when evaluating access-control rules after decoding a JWT: this happens for each request.
It is much more efficient to put this data in the tokens as private claims: this happens only once for each access-token issuance.
Keycloak provides with quite a few "mappers" you can configure to enrich tokens and also allows you to write your own. Sample project with a custom Keycloak mapper here. This is a multi-module maven project composed of: