I have a JavaFX project with dependencies on SQLite
and POI
, so I used maven-dependency-plugin
to copy all dependencies in target\lib
folder. That folder contains about 21 dependencies common-codecs, curvesapi, javafx-base, javafx-fxml...
To create a jpackage I'm using jpackage-maven-plugin
to create an installer. I have jmods
folder copied to java.home
. The POM is as follows:
<modulePath>C:\Program Files\Java\jmods</modulePath>
This command neither packages the lib
folder in the installer, nor does it properly copies JVM, as on running the program, it gives Failed to find JVM in "C:\Program Files\Example\runtime" directory.
error. Any help appreciated.
Changed some parameters:
to <runtimeImage>${java.home}</runtimeImage>
added module path <modulePath>${project.build.directory}/lib</modulePath>
Now the app fails to find modules (dependencies) which are present in ${INSTALLDIR}/app/mods
. Trying to add these modules require I remove runtimeImage
parameter. If I do so:
I always get error regarding any module randomly:
jlink failed with: Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink: commons.math3 from file:///C:/Users/MY/Documents/NetBeansProjects/Example/target/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar
module com.example{
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.base;
requires javafx.graphics;
requires java.logging;
requires java.base;
requires java.sql;
requires org.apache.poi.poi;
requires org.apache.poi.ooxml;
requires org.apache.commons.codec;
requires org.apache.commons.collections4;
requires org.apache.commons.compress;
requires org.apache.commons.io;
requires commons.math3;
requires com.github.virtuald.curvesapi;
requires org.apache.logging.log4j;
requires SparseBitSet;
requires org.xerial.sqlitejdbc;
requires org.apache.xmlbeans;
opens com.example to javafx.fxml;
exports com.example;
Use JPackageScriptFX. Here's how to use it:
(I'll refer to JPackageScriptFX as JPS
and your project as Example
section. Remove all existing module entries (jpackagefx-main,jpackagefx-module1,jpackagefx-module2
). Write <module>Example</module>
to Example's groupId.artifactId
beneath <version>
's maven-dependency-plugin from its POM and copy it to Example's POM.<configuration><mainClass>com.example.App</mainClass></configuration>
in javafx-maven-plugin if it isn't there already.<profiles>
section from jpackagefx-main and copy it to Example's POM.${client.version}
to ${project.version}
(This is required especially in the case of Linux, otherwise the jpackage will fail in final stages (dpkg-deb returns with error code 2)).package com.example
public class AppLauncher{
public static void main(String[] args){
, build_app_mac.sh
or build_app_windows.bat
file inside Example's project folder. I'll refer to the linux version in the next steps, you can find appropriate lines in other platform files.MAIN_JAR="main-ui-...
to MAIN_JAR="Example-...
or whatever the name of your Jar file is (You can find Jar filename by building the project and simply looking its name in target
to give space in the name.com.example.AppLauncher
.--print-module-deps target\classes\com\example\App.class > temp.txt