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Azure Synapse .NET C# Sparkpool: Fail to start interpreter

When I am working on a .NET Spark (C#) Notebook in Azure Synapse I always get the following error message: Fail to start interpreter. detail: org.apache.spark.api.dotnet.DotnetBackend. When changing the language from .NET Spark (C#) to Python or Scala the notebook is working as expected.

What is causing this error?

enter image description here

I have tried:

  • Working in a completely new resource group
  • Working with a larger Spark Node
  • Running the notebook Hitchhiker's Guide to .NET for Apache Spark available via the Gallery
  • Search online for a solution


  • Short answer: Use spark 3.2 runtime.

    I asked the same question on the microsoft Q&A where I got a working solution.