Using WM_COPYDATA to pass command line params to another app instance with Delphi XE as follows:
function DAppInstance.SendParamsToPrevInstance(AWindowHandle: THandle): Boolean;
copyData: TCopyDataStruct;
cmdParams : string;
i : integer;
cmdParams := '';
for i := 1 to ParamCount do
cmdParams := cmdParams + ParamStr(i); //#1
//cmdParams := cmdParams + '"' + ParamStr(i) + '" '; //#2
//cmdParams := cmdParams + format('"%s" ', [ParamStr(i)]); //#3
//cmdParams := cmdParams + format('%s;', [ParamStr(i)]); //#4
copyData.lpData := pchar(cmdParams);
copyData.cbData := 1 + (bytelength(cmdParams));
copyData.dwData := WaterMark; //ID for APP
result := SendMessage(AWindowHandle,
LPARAM(@copyData)) = 1;
yields different results if the strings are quoted / appended to.
if #1 is used - the string comes in clean but is not usable if not quoted as filenames can have spaces and this:
C:\Users\MX4399\Research\delphi\instance\doc with spaces.doc
will be see as 3 paramaters in the end, while using #2 to quote the strings, or appending anything (#3, #4) causes
"C:\Users\MX4399\Research\delphi\instance\doc with spaces.doc"'#$FF00'궳獧
I think you meant copyData.cbdata := 1 * SizeOf(Char) + ...
instead of just 1 + ...