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How to mock LocalDate time inside an @Async method while writing unit tests?

I need to mock LocalDateTime inside an @Async method. But mocked localdatetime does not work inside Async method.But removing async works as expected.I have attached the code so far.

public interface ConfigurationProcessor<T> {
    void process(Configuration configuration);

Here is the implementation of above interface

    public class ConfigurationProcessoeStudents10Impl implements ConfigurationProcessor<Student> {
        private final StudentRepository studentRepository;
        public ConfigurationProcessoeStudents10Impl(StudentRepository studentRepository) {
            this.studentRepository = studentRepository;
        public void process(Configuration configuration) {


This is the unit test

public class StudentsC10IT {

  ConfigurationProcessor<StudentC10> configurationProcessor;
  @DisplayName("Verify kafka event consumer from configuration manager")
  void verifyProcess(){
   LocalDateTime lt = LocalDateTime.parse("2018-12-30T19:34:50.63");
    try (MockedStatic<LocalDateTime> localDateTimeMockedFourMonth = Mockito
            .mockStatic(LocalDateTime.class, Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS)) {


Need to know how to mock LocalDateTime inside this @Async method without using power mockito ?


  • MockedStatic is thread-local thing, as stated in Mockito docs. Also you should call close() for this object.

    And @Async do execution of method in different thread, and this is why your test is not working.

    As possible solution for your test - disable async: see answers here