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QML rectangle anchors.horizontalCenter not working

I want to align 5 rectangles (buttons) horizontally inside another rectangle. But the buttons start aligned left and not centered

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Rectangle {
    id: button
    property string p_identity
    property string p_icon
    property string p_source
    radius: 10
    anchors { top:; topMargin: 10; }

    Image { anchors.centerIn: parent; sourceSize.height: button.height * 0.7; source: p_source }
    MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: function(mouse) { m_mill.buttonClicked(p_identity) } }


Rectangle { id: footer; color: "yellow"
    property string p_buttonColor: m_config.getColor(Colors.ButtonBackground)
    property int p_buttonHeight: 60 // m_config.getSize(Sizes.FooterButtonHeight)
    property int p_buttonWidth: 60 //m_config.getSize(Sizes.FooterButtonWidth)

    RowLayout{ anchors.fill: parent; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB1"; height: p_buttonHeight; width: p_buttonWidth; color: p_buttonColor }
        FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB2"; height: p_buttonHeight; width: p_buttonWidth; color: p_buttonColor }
        FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB3"; height: p_buttonHeight; width: p_buttonWidth; color: p_buttonColor }
        FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB4"; height: p_buttonHeight; width: p_buttonWidth; color: p_buttonColor }
        FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB5"; height: p_buttonHeight; width: p_buttonWidth; color: p_buttonColor }


  • You used anchors.fill and anchors.horizontalCenter on the same RowLayout. Using both at the same time is contradicting. You either want to anchor to all the sides with anchors.fill: parent or you want to center it horizontal with anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter.

    Have a look at this SO post.

    Here is an example which might do what you want:

    component FooterButton: Rectangle {
        id: button
        width: 60
        height: 60
        color: "gray"
        radius: 10
        anchors { top:; topMargin: 10; }
    Rectangle {
        id: footer
        color: "yellow"
        anchors.fill: parent
        RowLayout {
            spacing: 20
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Repeater {
                model: 5
                FooterButton {}