This is my start with playwright and I try to test my React app with it.
It might be that there is a similar question somewhere here, however I've tried all the possible non-specific answers from StackOverflow and Github issues.
This is my test:
import {expect, test} from "@playwright/test";
test.describe('App general functionality', () => {
test('Theme switches normally', async ({page}) => {
const app = await page.getByTestId('app');
const themeSwitch = await page.getByTestId('themeSwitch');
const classList = await app.evaluate(node => {
// const classList = await app.getAttribute('class');
I've tried installing extended expect types for toHaveClass
and checked if app
is present. In console it returns locator and elements inside the app
. App is a test id on the root div
of the application.
However the error is constant:
locator.evaluate: Target closed
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for getByTestId('app')
And it is one this line:
const classList = await app.evaluate // or app.getAttribute('class')
The app div:
<div data-test-id={'app'} className={`app ${appStore.isDarkTheme ? 'dark' : 'light'}`}>
I don't think the test id is set properly. It should be data-testid
based on the following experiment:
import {expect, test} from "@playwright/test"; // ^1.30.0
const html = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><body><div data-testid="app" class="foo bar baz">hi</div></body></html>`;
test.describe("App general functionality", () => {
test("Theme switches normally", async ({page}) => {
await page.setContent(html); // for easy reproducibility
const el = await page.getByTestId("app");
const classList = await el.evaluate(el => [...el.classList]);
expect(classList).toEqual(["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
If you can't change the element's property, maybe try
const el = await page.$('[data-test-id="app"]');
Pehaps a bit more idiomatic (assuming you've fixed testid
const app = page.getByTestId("app");
await expect(app).toHaveClass(/\bfoo\b/);
await expect(app).toHaveClass(/\bbar\b/);
await expect(app).toHaveClass(/\bbaz\b/);
This handles extra classes and different ordering of the classes. See also Check if element class contains string using playwright for deeper discussion of this pattern.