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Strict @MockBean in a Spring Boot Test

I am developing a Spring Boot application. For my regular service class unit tests, I am able to extend my test class with MockitoExtension, and the mocks are strict, which is what I want.

interface MyDependency {
  Integer execute(String param);

class MyService {
  @Autowired MyDependency myDependency;

  Integer execute(String param) {
    return myDependency.execute(param);

class MyServiceTest {
  MyDependency myDependency;

  MyService myService;

  void execute() {
    myService.execute("arg1"); //will throw exception

In this case, the an exception gets thrown with the following message (redacted):

Strict stubbing argument mismatch. Please check:
 - this invocation of 'execute' method:
 - has following stubbing(s) with different arguments:
    1. myDependency.execute(arg0);

In addition, if the stubbing was never used there would be the following (redacted):

Unnecessary stubbings detected.
Clean & maintainable test code requires zero unnecessary code.
Following stubbings are unnecessary (click to navigate to relevant line of code):
  1. -> at MyServiceTest.execute()

However, when I use @MockBean in an integration test, then none of the strict behavior is present. Instead, the stubbed method returns null because the stubbing "fails" silently. This is behavior that I do not want. It is much better to fail immediately when unexpected arguments are used.

class MyServiceTest {
  MyDependency myDependency;

  MyService myService;

  void execute() {
    myService.execute("arg1"); //will return null

Is there any workaround for this?


  • As mentioned in this comment, this GitHub issue in the spring-boot project addresses this same problem and has remained open since 2019, so it's unlikely that an option for "strict stubs" will be available in @SpringBootTest classes anytime soon.

    One way that Mockito recommends to enable "strict stubs" is to start a MockitoSession with Strictness.STRICT_STUBS before each test, and close the MockitoSession after each test. Mockito mocks for @MockBean properties in @SpringBootTest classes are generated by Spring Boot's MockitoPostProcessor, so a workaround would need to create the MockitoSession before the MockitoPostProcessor runs. A custom TestExecutionListener can be implemented to handle this, but only its beforeTestClass method would run before the MockitoPostProcessor. The following is such an implementation:

    public class MyMockitoTestExecutionListener implements TestExecutionListener, Ordered {
        // Only one MockitoSession can be active per thread, so ensure that multiple instances of this listener on the
        // same thread use the same instance
        private static ThreadLocal<MockitoSession> mockitoSession = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> null);
        // Count the "depth" of processing test classes. A parent class is not done processing until all @Nested inner
        // classes are done processing, so all @Nested inner classes must share the same MockitoSession as the parent class
        private static ThreadLocal<Integer> depth = ThreadLocal.withInitial( () -> 0 );
        public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) {
            depth.set(depth.get() + 1);
            if (depth.get() > 1)
                return; // @Nested classes share the MockitoSession of the parent class
        public void afterTestClass(TestContext testContext) {
            depth.set(depth.get() - 1);
            if (depth.get() > 0)
                return; // @Nested classes should let the parent class end the MockitoSession
            MockitoSession session = mockitoSession.get();
            if (session != null)
        public int getOrder() {
            return Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE;

    Then, MyMockitoTestExecutionListener can be added as a listener in test classes:

        listeners = {MyMockitoTestExecutionListener.class},
        mergeMode = MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS
    public class MySpringBootTests {
        Foo mockFoo;
        // Tests using mockFoo...

    Alternatively, it can be enabled globally by putting the following in src/test/resources/META-INF/spring.factories:
