I have written jdbc inbound adapter as below
int-jdbc:inbound-channel-adapter id="jdbcInbound"
query="SELECT * FROM Trade"
<int:poller fixed-delay="60000" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
This works fine. But if new records are added to the Trade table say throughout the day, new records are not picked up. What changes do I need to make for it poll new data as well. This adapter is going to keep running for 5 business days monday-friday - and it should read all new records as well.
This is answered in the reference docs:
[...] the adapter also has an UPDATE statement that marks the records as processed so that they do not show up in the next poll.
There is also a snippet showing how to use it:
<int-jdbc:inbound-channel-adapter query="select * from item where status=2"
channel="target" data-source="dataSource"
update="update item set status=10 where id in (:id)" />