I am trying to insert the item number extracted from preceding line. I have a file with groups of text that are numbered in square brackets.
For example
some text
line 1: [1]
line 2: id = Item
line 1: [2]
line 2: id = Item
Should be changed to:
some text
line 1: [1]
line 2: id = Item 1
line1: [2]
line 2: id = Item 2
$filepath = "D:\Users\j\Desktop\New folder\Environment-p.ini"
get-content $filepath | $itemnumber = select-string '(?<=\[)[^]]+(?=\])').matches.value | $iteminsertnumber = select-string -pattern "Item" | $iteminsertnumber.replace("Item","Item $itemnumber") | out-file "D:\Users\j\Desktop\New folder\Environment-p mod.ini"
$filepath = "D:\Users\j\Desktop\New folder\Environment-p.ini"
get-content $filepath | select-string -pattern "(?=\[).*?(?=\])" -context 0, 1 | foreach {$_.matches.value} | -replace $_.context.postcontext('Item',"Item $_") | set-content "D:\Users\j\Desktop\New folder\Environment-p mod.ini"
A switch
with the -Regex
flag could work for this, as an example:
$content = @'
some text
line 1: [1]
line 2: id = Item
line 1: [2]
line 2: id = Item
line 1: [123]
line 2: id = Item
'@ -split '\r?\n'
switch -Regex ($content) {
'(?<=\[)[^\]]+' {
# capture whats between brackets
$value = $Matches[0]
# output the line
# go to next line
# if there was a capture previously
{ $value } {
# replace the end of the line including
# any possible whitespaces before it
# with a space and the captured value
$_ -replace '\s*$', " $value"
# reset the value
$value = $null
# go to next line
# output this line if none of the above
Default { $_ }
If you're reading a file you would use the -File
parameter, logic is still the same:
# this outer scriptblock allows us to pipe the output
# from the switch to Set-Content
& {
switch -Regex -File $filepath {
# same logic here
} | Set-Content path\to\resultfile.ext