I have a scenario/dilemma, I am a little stuck trying to figure out. Below will be my best of a visual representation.
1. I select
This is dummy text to select
2. I bold and it gets wrapped with a span
This is dummy text to select
<h2 This is dummy <span style="font-weight: 700;">text to select</span></h2>
3. Now lets say I want to select some text but we know it's already wrapped in a span
This is dummy [BOLD]text[BOLD]
to select
4. Its a crossover with selected text, so now my code. In my important comment, I can identify that the element is found in the selection. But how can I find it and then remove the span.
const el = document.createElement('span');
function handleNodeWrap(){
//! IMPORTANT find and remove element of selected text
Here's one approach to remove the span from the selected text:
const el = document.createElement('span');
function handleNodeWrap() {
if (selection?.containsNode(el, true)) {
// find parent node of the selected text
let parentNode = selection.anchorNode.parentNode;
// create a new range that selects the entire content of the parent node
let range = document.createRange();
// replace the content of the parent node with the plain text version
let text = range.extractContents().textContent;
parentNode.textContent = text;
} else {