I'm making a UWP app with WinUI 2.8. I have a button control, and with a basic ToolTip in it.
How can I localize the ToolTip using localization tables?
Here's my XAML code of the button:
ToolTipService.ToolTip="Saves the input."
What you need to do is to create resources files targeting different languages in your app and save the localized string in the files.
Here are the steps to create a localized string for en-US. You could take it as example.
, create a new sub-folder and name it "en-US".en-US
, create a new Resources File (.resw) and confirm that it is named "Resources.resw".Resources.resw
file.Like this:
The Xaml code should be like this:
<Button x:Name="SaveB" x:Uid="Save" Click="SaveB_Click" />
More information please refer to: Localize strings in your UI and app package manifest