I have a master page which has a content section with the id cpMainContent. I am using this master page on every webform I am creating for college project. One of such form is frmSearchPersonnel. The purpose of frmSearchPersonnel is to ask user last name of the person they want to search in a textbox and then click on search button. The ID of TextBox is
Search button will do postbackUrl transfer to another form which I have named frmViewPersonnel. In frmViewPersonnel I am trying to use following code.
NameValueCollection myRequest = Request.Form;
string strSearch = myRequest["txtSearchName"];
The problem I ran into is that this didn't find any control with the name of txtSearchName. While debugging I found this in myRequest object,
[5] "ctl00$cpMainContent$txtSearchName" string
Even though when I added textbox I gave it ID of txtSearchName but when page is rendered it is adding extra string from master page.
While Googling and Binging I found that I can use Control.ClientID in this case so looking into it.
As suggested below to add ClientIDMode="static" in the html of control or add it in page directive. What it does is, it keeps the ID static to txtSearchName but problem is this,
<input name="ctl00$cpMainContent$txtSearchName" type="text" id="txtSearchName" />
Here name is still using ctl00 and the code I showed above,
string strSearch = myRequest["txtSearchName"]
it still won't work because nvc collection is either searchable by index or name not the id directly.
If you are posting to another page that uses the same master page (called SiteMaster in my case), the name of the textbox should be same the same.
string val = Request[((SiteMaster)Master).txtSearchName.UniqueID];
If you're NOT posting to a page with the same master, well, then are you using the viewstate for the textbox at all since you're posting to another page? If not, just make the control a non asp.net control:
<input type="text" name="txtSearchName"/>
If you are using viewstate and posting to another page with a different master page, well, you should use PreviousPage.