I'm trying to transfer a stream of strings from my C++ program to my Java program in an efficient manner but I'm not sure how to do this. Can anyone post up links/explain the basic idea about how do implement this?
I was thinking of writing my data into a text file and then reading the text file from my Java program but I'm not sure that this will be fast enough. I need it so that a single string can be transferred in 16ms so that we can get around 60 data strings to the C++ program in a second.
Text files can easily be written to and read from upwards with 60 strings worth of content in merely a few milliseconds.
Some alternatives, if you find that you are running into timing troubles anyway:
Use socket programming. http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/index.html. Sockets should easily be fast enough.
There are other alternatives, such as the tibco messaging service, which will be an order of magnitude faster than what you need: http://www.tibco.com/
Another alternative would be to use a mysql table to pass the data, and potentially just set an environment variable in order to indicate the table should be queried for the most recent entries.
Or I suppose you could just use an environment variable itself to convey all of the info -- 60 strings isn't very much.
The first two options are the more respectable solutions though.