I am new to R and using its library. I am trying to make a table where the headers are in the values of the columns itself and am using flextable.
Here is my goal (mock-up) where there are multiple header levels:
Here is the documentation on flextable's tabulator: https://ardata-fr.github.io/flextable-book/tabulation.html
Here is my attempt (example data):
df <- data.frame(question = c("Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction"),
column_one = c("Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Region", "Region", "Region", "Region"),
column_two = c("Small", "Medium", "Large", "Small", "Medium", "Large", "West", "East", "West", "East"),
row = c("Pizza", "Pizza", "Pizza", "Hamburger", "Hamburger", "Hamburger", "Pizza", "Pizza", "Hamburger", "Hamburger"),
percent = c(0.83679353, 0.341159874, 0.084278807, 0.071733007, 0.363397833, 0.405083242, 0.094760815, 0.762002269, 0.782725923, 0.657853129),
standardError = c(0.824884898, 0.69073481, 0.664255159, 0.099570678, 0.735837865, 0.940523571, 0.933454698, 0.669219927, 0.669924278, 0.537262473))
cft <- tabulator(
x = dat,
rows = "row",
columns = c("question", "column_one","column_two"),
`P` = as_paragraph(percent),
`SE` = as_paragraph(standardError)
ft <- as_flextable(cft)
I am getting:
Error in melt.data.table(as.data.table(dat), id.vars = c(columns, rows), : One or more values in 'id.vars' is invalid.
You are not using the table df
you created but another named dat
that does not contain the column named row
Here is probably what you wanted to write:
dat <- data.frame(question = c("Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction", "Food Satisfaction"),
column_one = c("Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Portion Size", "Region", "Region", "Region", "Region"),
column_two = c("Small", "Medium", "Large", "Small", "Medium", "Large", "West", "East", "West", "East"),
row = c("Pizza", "Pizza", "Pizza", "Hamburger", "Hamburger", "Hamburger", "Pizza", "Pizza", "Hamburger", "Hamburger"),
percent = c(0.83679353, 0.341159874, 0.084278807, 0.071733007, 0.363397833, 0.405083242, 0.094760815, 0.762002269, 0.782725923, 0.657853129),
standardError = c(0.824884898, 0.69073481, 0.664255159, 0.099570678, 0.735837865, 0.940523571, 0.933454698, 0.669219927, 0.669924278, 0.537262473))
cft <- tabulator(
x = dat,
rows = "row",
columns = c("question", "column_one","column_two"),
`P` = as_paragraph(percent),
`SE` = as_paragraph(standardError)
ft <- as_flextable(cft)