I have a list of data, that I have cleaned, but I need to organize it in a way that allows me to import it into a CRM.
I can't think ov a way to convert that data into a decent table other than a pivot table.
The problem is the pivot table doesn't allow for just showing text.
Any way to do this?
Here is an example of the data
Example Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11GgYA8FrqRd_1d2rONyANMQC0-BEcBAmLRa9CxjKLYc/edit#gid=0
I have tried xlookups, vlooks, all kinds of dumb things.
=QUERY(QUERY({Data!A:A, Data!Q:S},
"select Col4,max(Col1)
where Col1 is not null
group by Col4
pivot Col2"),
"offset 1", )