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Drools kieContainer fail to create

i'm trying to follow the exact same steps on this

Spring Boot Drools Rule Engine Example

but I have this error at compilation time :

Error creating bean with name 'kieContainer' defined in class path resource [.../DroolsConfig.class]: Failed to instantiate [org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer]: Factory method 'kieContainer' threw exception with message: Cannot invoke "org.drools.compiler.compiler.Dialect.getBuilder(java.lang.Class)" because the return value of "org.drools.compiler.rule.builder.RuleBuildContext.getDialect()" is null ...................

those are the dependencies added to my pom.xml




I'm using spring boot 3

Thank you for your help!

I'm using java Records instead of normal class


  • I fixed it by adding this dependency to pom.xml
