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Using SecretProviderClass with Ingress basic Auth

I'm trying to setup Basic auth in ingress. The "" I have stored in K8s secrets using SecretProviderClass. The secret is mounted correctly. As per this documentation (, the secret should have "data.auth" inside the key. Hence, in my deployment file I created an environment variable named "BASIC_AUTH_VALUE" to achieve this.

        - name: SECRET_AUTH
              name: {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-azure-csi
              key: FRONTEND_BASIC_AUTH
              optional: false
        - name: BASIC_AUTH_VALUE
          value: data.auth:$(SECRET_AUTH)

Then in my ingress file, I set the annotations as below BASIC_AUTH_VALUE

Even then I still get 503 error. The pod is up and running and there isn't anything in the logs that I can find.

I have tried several options but all in vain so far. Any guidance will be of great help. Thanks.


  • I found a solution. I had to adapt the SecretProviderClass's secretObjects as below

      - data:
        {{- range $secret := .Values.azureSecretsCSI.secrets }}
        - key: {{ $secret.k8sName }}
          objectName: {{ $secret.azName }}
        {{- end }}
        secretName: {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-auth-azure-csi
        type: Opaque

    Where "{{ $secret.k8sName }}" must be "auth" is derived from values.yaml file as below

      tenantId: XXX
      kvName: XXX
        - azName: XXX
          k8sName: auth

    And then in ingress annotations add name of the secret provider class instead of a secret name or an environment variable (which I was trying to do and which wasn't working) {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-auth-azure-csi