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Data source to ssas cube naming and numbering changing?

Our ssas cube transform both the language and the numbering from the original data source.

In our database our datetime view all cells containing "monday" as its "day name" attribute has the value "1" in its "day of the week" attribute.

enter image description here Screenshot from ssms

But once this database containing this view is loaded into the ssas cube then the language is suddently changed from english to norwegian (Monday -> Mandag) and monday is now suddently the 7'th day in the week instead of 1st.

enter image description here Screenshot from visual studio opening the cube bim

I have had a look at "translations" but nothing is selected - but somewhere it got to be changed since its changed within the cube?


  • Analysis Services has a feature for metadata translations (eg table and column names), but not for data translations.

    Translated strings are for object metadata only (names and descriptions of tables and columns) that appear in a client tool like an Excel PivotTable list. To use translated strings, the client connection specifies the culture. In the Analysis in Excel feature, you can choose the language from a drop-down list. For other tools, you might need to specify the culture in the connection string.

    This feature is not intended loading translated data into a model. If you want to load translated data values, you should develop a processing strategy that includes extracting translated strings from a data source that provides them.

    Translations in Tabular Models

    So that's happening outside of SSAS.

    Your database view probably returns data based on the connection's locale. EG this

    set language norwegian
    select datename(dw,getdate())


    Changed language setting to Norsk.
    (1 row affected)