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SSAS Tabular Model - Partition Refresh and Schedule

I have 5 dimensions and a fact table in my DWH. Build SSAS Tabular Model cube and created Partitions for my fact table. Say 2015, 2016 and 2017.Then, deploy my cube in my server. And, I am creating a job to refresh my data for the partition 2017 alone. Not the entire data.

How to achieve this by scheduling a job to refresh all my dimensions and 2017 partition alone?

Thanks in advance. Please anyone.


  • If you want to process a specific partition you can do it with a xmla script.

    How to retrieve it?

    From Management studio, Right click on your fact and choose Partitions

    enter image description here

    Choose your partition (in my example I only have one) and click on the process icon.

    enter image description here

    1. Choose your partition
    2. Select your process mode (In your case, process full)
    3. Click and generate your XMLA code

    enter image description here

    Your XMLA Code:

    enter image description here

    Now you can create your job:

    enter image description here

    Otherwise you can create one SSIS Package and use an Analysis Services Execute DDL Task enter image description here

    I did some test and screenshot, but I saw that microsoft did already a nice explanation.

    I hope that I helped you.

    Regards, Arnaud