I have an input json like:
"Employee": [
"employee1.id": 1
"employee1.name": "John"
"employee1.address.street": "main street"
"employee1.address.pin": "123456"
"employee2.id": 2
"employee2.name": "Mike"
"employee2.address.street": "51 street"
"employee2.address.pin": "234543"
And I am trying to convert it into:
"id": 1,
"name": "John",
"address": {
"street": "main street",
"pin": "123456"
"id": 2,
"name": "Mike",
"address": {
"street": "51 street",
"pin": "234543"
I tried to split the key from input json with dot i.e. '.' and tried to iterate over to construct a map: Map<String, Object> But the problem is the input json key depth can go beyond 2 i.e. in future the input key can be like:
"employee1.address.tempAddress.street": "main street"
"employee1.address.permanentAddress.street": "main street"
So, is there any library available to achieve this, or anything closely related to this using which I can achieve this?
The comments about the input format being "weird" (to put it politely) are spot-on: This is a convoluted way to represent simple hierarchical data.
But sometimes we have to deal with sub-optimal input formats, that's why we can fix them like this:
private static JSONObject arrayToStructure(JSONArray inputArray) {
JSONObject output = new JSONObject();
for (Object o : inputArray) {
assert o instanceof JSONObject;
JSONObject jso = (JSONObject) o;
assert jso.length() == 1;
String key = jso.keys().next();
Object value = jso.get(key);
setJsonPath(output, key, value);
return output;
private static void setJsonPath(JSONObject target, String key, Object value) {
String[] keyParts = key.split("\\.");
JSONObject parent = target;
for (int i = 0; i < keyParts.length - 1; i++) {
String keyPart = keyParts[i];
if (parent.has(keyPart)) {
parent = parent.getJSONObject(keyPart);
} else {
JSONObject child = new JSONObject();
parent.put(keyPart, child);
parent = child;
assert !parent.has(keyParts[keyParts.length - 1]);
parent.put(keyParts[keyParts.length - 1], value);
This code uses JSON-Java, probably better known as org.json:json
And it can be used like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = """
"employee1.id": 1
"employee1.name": "John"
"employee1.address.street": "main street"
"employee1.address.pin": "123456"
"employee2.id": 2
"employee2.name": "Mike"
"employee2.address.street": "51 street"
"employee2.address.pin": "234543"
JSONArray inputArray = new JSONArray(input);
JSONObject structure = arrayToStructure(inputArray);
Note that this code is lacking proper sanity checks (some of which I've hinted at using assert
) and the nature of this "protocol" means that you can get misleading, ambiguous or straight up malicious inputs. For example nothing stops the input from having both "employee1.id": 1
and "employee1.id": 2
in there. How that is to be interpreted is up to the parser and such ambiguity is a great source of bugs and potential security issues.