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Provide system properties at runtime when building native image in Spring Boot 3

I am upgrading an existing project to Spring Boot 3 to run as a native image. My application requires a custom trust store to connect to OpenLDAP, earlier I used to create a uber jar and provide the truststore path as system arguments when running the jar as shown below.

java -jar

To build a native executable, I need to compile using a native image plugin (org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin). With native:compile phase, I have added the system properties but it doesn't seem to work as when I run the executable, I get an error indicating certificates are not present.

./mvnw -Pnative native:compile

How do I provide the system properties at runtime, is it in the build phase like above but with some other syntax, or when running the executable but how?


  • How to provide to native image on runtime explained like below

    If, on the other hand, you run the executable with app -Dfoo=bar, it will display foo in the list of properties because you specified it at executable runtime.

    In other words:

    Passing -D= as an argument to native-image affects properties seen at executable build time. Passing -D= as an argument to a native executable affects properties seen at executable runtime.

    So if you run the native image like "/app/demo" it should work.

    Check this page for more details. And graalvm supports truststore

    Run-time Options

    The certificate file can also be changed dynamically at run time via setting the* system properties.

    If any of the following system properties are set during the image execution, native-image also requires to be set, and for it to point to an accessible certificate file:

    For full documentation please check here