I have a CustomAuthenticationProvider that does a POST request to an API with username and password for authentication and the API returns an access token with expiry time.
Where do I set this token, so I can use the same token to make further calls to the API as long as the user is logged in. I also wanted to validate the token for expiry time before making another request.
Is it right approach to add the token to a customAuthenticationToken that extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken and set it in the SecurityContext.
Please let me know your suggestions.
Well, if you need to call another REST API, then you need to set up an http client. Since you use Spring Boot 3, WebClient is a default option, but the flow is the same for any client.
You basically store your token anywhere in memory, implement isExpired check and refresh logic.
class TokenStorage {
private String token;
void refreshToken() {
var newToken = ...;
this.token = newToken;
boolean isExpired() { ... }
String getToken() {
return token;
And then setup your client with custom filter so that everytime you call API, it checks whether token is expired and refreshes it if so.