I am trying to use keycloak to secure a React application. I am using two packages: React-keycloak and keycloak-js.
This is my keycloak provider
and this my keycloak object:
const keycloak = new Keycloak({
url: "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8080",
realm: "testrealm",
clientId: "testclient",
If I have no login cookie, i will be directed to the Keycloak login page. I can then login and return to my application. Now the page is constantly refreshed again and again as it tries to call urls like this:
I have tried different init options including:
initOptions={{ onLoad: "login-required"}}
initOptions={{ checkLoginIframe: false }}
but nothing seems to work.
No examples I find seem to do anything more than this so I'm not sure if it's a bug, if I'm missing some configuration, or whatever else.
I'm currently using versions: @react-keycloak/[email protected] [email protected]
but have used both newer and older version, with no success.
a similar issue: Page keeps refreshing and changing the query parameter 'state' and 'session' in URL when implementing React with keycloak
UPDATE: https://github.com/react-keycloak/react-keycloak/issues/182
I am using React 18.0 where StrictMode causes useEffect to be called twice. This seems to be a breaking change for the ReactKeycloakProvider+keycloak.js. The workaround is to move StrictMode inside the ReactKeycloakProvider instead of around the whole application!