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Wordle solver python script. Duplicate letter problem

When there's a word that has a letter more than once, if that letter is already confirmed in the right spot, but you tell it the next instance of that letter is wrong, it crashes. You can trick it into working by saying that it's just in the wrong spot.

from english_words import get_english_words_set
web2lowerset = get_english_words_set(['web2'], lower=True)
import random
from os import system, name

def clear_screen():
        if name == 'nt':
            _ = system('cls')
            _ = system('clear')
board = [
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],

startingWords = ["SOARE", "SAREE", "SEARE", "STARE", "ROATE"]

def print_board():
    for r in board:
        print (*r)
def validInput(w):
    if len(w) != 5:
        return False
        return True
def solver():
    fiveLetterWords = set()

    for word in web2lowerset:
        if len(word) == 5:
    initialInput = input("Would you like me to provide a starting word?")
    startingWord = 0
    if "y" in initialInput.lower():
        startingWord = random.choice(startingWords)
        print (startingWord)
    elif "n" in initialInput.lower():
        while True:
            userWord = input("What was your starting word?")
            if validInput(userWord) == True:
                startingWord = userWord.upper()
                print ("Invalid word length")
        print (startingWord)
        print("Invalid answer")
    board[0][0] = startingWord[0]
    board[0][1] = startingWord[1]
    board[0][2] = startingWord[2]
    board[0][3] = startingWord[3]
    board[0][4] = startingWord[4]
    moveCount = 0   
    currentWord = [*startingWord]
    while True:
        print("Enter 'G' to generate a new word \nUse Y to represent present letters in the right spot, \nN to represent absent letters, \nand W to represent present letters in the wrong spot")
        print("E.G. NNYWW")
        results = input()
        currentResult = [*results]
        resultIndex = 0
        tempSet = set()
        #chatGPT suggested loop
        tempWordSet = fiveLetterWords.copy()
        resultIndex = 0
        for result in currentResult:
            if result == "N":
                tempWordSet = {word for word in tempWordSet if currentWord[resultIndex] not in word}
            elif result == "Y":
                tempWordSet = {wordY for wordY in tempWordSet if currentWord[resultIndex] == wordY[resultIndex]}
            elif result == "W":
                tempWordSet = {wordW for wordW in tempWordSet if currentWord[resultIndex] != wordW[resultIndex] and currentWord[resultIndex] in wordW}
            elif result == "G":
                currentWord = [*fiveLetterWords.pop()]
                moveCount -= 1
            resultIndex += 1
            if resultIndex == 5:
                resultIndex = 0

        moveCount += 1
        # print (fiveLetterWords)
        # fiveLetterWords.clear()
        fiveLetterWords = tempWordSet
        currentWord = [*fiveLetterWords.pop()]
        board[moveCount][0] = currentWord[0]
        board[moveCount][1] = currentWord[1]
        board[moveCount][2] = currentWord[2]
        board[moveCount][3] = currentWord[3]
        board[moveCount][4] = currentWord[4]

while True:

I tried making it to where the index of the letter within the string has to match with the index of the user input, but that comes with it's own problem, namely it will keep trying that letter in different spots.


  • I got it all working the way I intended. I also have a method that doesn't just give you a random word that meets the criteria. It's a .csv that has the most frequently used English words, with an associated number. It also boots out any invalid words from the wordle_words.txt when you type "G" (even though the list I pulled is supposed to be straight from the game).

    I'm sure there are better, more compact ways to do some of the logic, but it runs fast and solves the puzzle almost every single time.

    import random
    from os import system, name
    import os
    import csv
    with open('commonFiveLetter.csv') as c:
        common=[tuple(line) for line in csv.reader(c)]
    original_file = "wordle_words.txt"
    temp_file = "temp.txt"
    def clear_screen():
            if name == 'nt':
                _ = system('cls')
                _ = system('clear')
    board = [
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "],
    startingWords = ["SOARE", "SAREE", "SEARE", "STARE", "ROATE"]
    def print_board():
        for r in board:
            print (*r)
    def validInput(w):
        return len(w) == 5
    def convert(s):
        new = ""
        for x in s:
            new += x
        return new
    def solver():
        fiveLetterWords = set(open('wordle_words.txt').read().upper().split())
        initialInput = input("Would you like me to provide a starting word?")
        startingWord = 0
        if "y" in initialInput.lower():
            startingWord = random.choice(startingWords)
        elif "n" in initialInput.lower():
            while True:
                userWord = input("What was your starting word?")
                if validInput(userWord) == True:
                    startingWord = userWord.upper()
                    print ("Invalid word length")
            print("Invalid answer")
        board[0][0] = startingWord[0]
        board[0][1] = startingWord[1]
        board[0][2] = startingWord[2]
        board[0][3] = startingWord[3]
        board[0][4] = startingWord[4]
        moveCount = 0
        currentWord = [*startingWord]
        while True:
            print("Enter 'G' to generate a new word \nUse Y to represent present letters in the right spot, \nN to represent absent letters, \nand W to represent present letters in the wrong spot")
            results = input().upper()
            print("E.G. NNYWW")
            currentResult = [*results]
            tempWordSet = fiveLetterWords.copy()
            contains = []
            containsIndex = []
            wrongSpot = []
            wrongSpotIndex = []
            absent = []
            sortaAbsent = []
            sortaAbsentIndex = []
            if "G" in currentResult:
                string_to_delete = [convert(currentWord)]
                with open(original_file, "r") as inputT:
                    with open(temp_file, "w") as output:
                        for line in inputT:
                            for wordT in string_to_delete:
                                line = line.replace(wordT, "")
                os.replace('temp.txt', 'wordle_words.txt')
                currentWord = [*fiveLetterWords.pop()]
                moveCount -= 1
                for j in range(0, 5):
                    if currentResult[j] == "Y":
                for i in range(0, 5):
                    if currentResult[i] == "W":
                    elif currentResult[i] == "N" and (currentWord[i] in contains or currentWord[i] in wrongSpot):
                    elif currentResult[i] == "N" and (currentWord[i] not in contains and currentWord[i] not in wrongSpot):
                if contains:
                    for lettersY in range(len(contains)):
                        tempWordSet = {wordY for wordY in tempWordSet if contains[lettersY] in wordY and contains[lettersY] == wordY[int(containsIndex[lettersY])]}
                if wrongSpot:
                    for lettersW in range(len(wrongSpot)):
                        if wrongSpot[lettersW] in contains:
                            tempWordSet = {wordW for wordW in tempWordSet if wrongSpot[lettersW] in wordW and wrongSpot[lettersW] != wordW[int(wrongSpotIndex[lettersW])] and wordW.count(wrongSpot[lettersW]) > 1}
                            tempWordSet = {wordW for wordW in tempWordSet if wrongSpot[lettersW] in wordW and wrongSpot[lettersW] != wordW[int(wrongSpotIndex[lettersW])]}
                if sortaAbsent:
                    for lettersSN in range(len(sortaAbsent)):
                        tempWordSet = {wordSN for wordSN in tempWordSet if sortaAbsent[lettersSN] in wordSN and sortaAbsent[lettersSN] != wordSN[int(sortaAbsentIndex[lettersSN])]}           
                if absent:
                    for lettersN in range(len(absent)):
                        tempWordSet = {wordN for wordN in tempWordSet if absent[lettersN] not in wordN}
            moveCount += 1
            fiveLetterWords = tempWordSet
            tempIntersect = []
            for pair in common:
                if pair[0].upper() in fiveLetterWords:
            if tempIntersect:
                highest = 0
                highestWord = 0
                for pairI in tempIntersect:
                    if int(pairI[1]) > int(highest):
                        highest = pairI[1]
                        highestWord = pairI[0].upper()
                currentWord = [*highestWord]
                currentWord = [*fiveLetterWords.pop()]
            board[moveCount][0] = currentWord[0]
            board[moveCount][1] = currentWord[1]
            board[moveCount][2] = currentWord[2]
            board[moveCount][3] = currentWord[3]
            board[moveCount][4] = currentWord[4]
    while True: