netbeans8 allow insert javafx bean properties with their setters and getters , but newer versions does not have that feature ( perhaps) . how can I do that in apache netbeans 13 ?
make code via macro
This example initializes a SimpleStringProperty
with their imports (if they are available), and getter/setters.
To implement it in Apache Netbeans, create a new macro using Tools > Options > Editor > Macros, name it, paste the code below as macro in the new macro you made, and finally create a shortcut.
To use it, create an identifier and then, with the caret inside the identifier, press the macro's shortcut. That was Ctrl+Shift+Alt+1 in my case, but of course you might select a different shortcut.
The macro can easily be modified for other property types, such as boolean, short, integer, etc...
There are two versions shown below. The one to use depends on your "insert closing brackets automatically" setting, which is shown under Tools > Options > Editor > Code Completion:
with "insert closing brackets automatically" turned off
select-word caret-begin-word selection-end-word cut-to-clipboard
insert-tab "private final StringProperty " paste-from-clipboard " = new SimpleStringProperty();" insert-break
"public void " paste-from-clipboard make-setter "(String string) {" insert-break
paste-from-clipboard ".set(string);" insert-break "}" insert-break
"public String " paste-from-clipboard make-getter "() {" insert-break
"return " paste-from-clipboard ".get();" insert-break "}" insert-break
"public StringProperty " paste-from-clipboard "() {" insert-break
" return " paste-from-clipboard " ;" insert-break
"}" insert-break
fix-imports caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up
with "insert closing brackets automatically" turned on
select-word caret-begin-word selection-end-word cut-to-clipboard
insert-tab "private final StringProperty " paste-from-clipboard " = new SimpleStringProperty();" insert-break
"public void " paste-from-clipboard make-setter "(String string) {" insert-break
paste-from-clipboard ".set(string);" insert-break "}" insert-break
"public String " paste-from-clipboard make-getter "() {" insert-break
"return " paste-from-clipboard ".get();" insert-break "}" insert-break
"public StringProperty " paste-from-clipboard "() {" insert-break
" return " paste-from-clipboard " ;" insert-break
fix-imports caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up caret-up