I am creating a Infrastructure-as-Code for a Step Functions Machine. One of these states is of type 'Task' which performs a DynamoUpdateItem on a DynamoDB table.
The code looks as following:
const updateDDB = new tasks.DynamoUpdateItem(this, 'Update item into DynamoDB', {
key: { ['Task'] : tasks.DynamoAttributeValue.fromString('Processing') },
table: table,
updateExpression: 'SET LastRun = :label',
expressionAttributeValues: {
':label.$': DynamoAttributeValue.fromString(JsonPath.stringAt('$$.Execution.StartTime')),
resultPath: JsonPath.DISCARD,
However, I keep getting an error saying the schema validation failed, and that
"The value for the field ':label.$' must be a STRING that contains a JSONPath but was an OBJECT at /States/Update item into DynamoDB/Parameters'"
How the heck is it not a string?!
I have tried writing it as [':label.$'], or even writing a .toString() function at the end of the JsonPath method
expressionAttributeValues: {
':label.$': (DynamoAttributeValue.fromString(JsonPath.stringAt('$$.Execution.StartTime').toString())),
But nothing seems to work. I keep getting the same issue claiming that it's not a string.
Using something like JSON.stringify() doesn't work either because expressionAttributeValues takes a key and matches it with a DynamoAttributeValue.
TL;DR Drop the .$
suffix from ':label.$': DynamoAttributeValue(...)
in the expression attribute value definition. The key should be simply ':label'
As @TobiasS says in the comments, the problem is with your State Machine task syntax. The .$
suffix on :label.$
tells AWS to expect a JSONPath string representing a path to a value. But a string is not valid State Machine syntax for this field. A key-value pair is required. The CDK docs have an example with the correct syntax.
❌ What your CDK code synthesizes to:
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":label.$": { "S.$": "$$.Execution.StartTime" }
✅ AWS expects the synthesized State Machine definition to be:
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":label": { "S.$": "$$.Execution.StartTime" }