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Clarify file/dir list to include in duply profile

I have defined /tmp/ as my source directory. I want to backup only in1/ and in2/ subfolders from it. What lines do I need in profile's exclude file?

├── in1
│   └── in.txt
├── in2
│   └── in.txt
└── out.txt

According to duplicity man page's dir/foo example, I tried:

+ in1/
+ in2/
- **

But that did not work and I got error as:

Reading globbing filelist /path/to/duply_profile/exclude
Fatal Error: The file specification
cannot match any files in the base directory
Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some
pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory.


  • better use up-to-date man page from duplicity's website

    not sure why the example relative paths is in there, but as the error states you will need something along the lines

    + /tmp/in1/
    + /tmp/in2/
    - **

    feel free to post a bug ticket on so maybe someday some kind soul would make it work with relative paths.