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Filter in Google Sheets not working within IF statement mismatched range sizes

I am receiving the following error:

FILTER has mismatched range sizes. Expected row count: 1759. column count: 1. Actual row count: 1, column count: 1.

The function in question is:

    "Please enter a year",
          {"Same filter that built SrcTbl"},

SrcCat is a column within SrcTbl (e.g. A:A vs. A:C). The cells being checked contain a Year, a Month (or no month), and a Category (or no category). All of the filter functions work properly on their own, provided the respective cells are populated, and the function works properly if I replace the faulty filters (both containing SrcCat=F6) with a text string. It is only when a value is placed in F6 that the nested filters return this error.

Why do these filters work on their own, but not when inside this function?


  • instead of your:

    ={FILTER(CData,  YEAR(CDates) =B1);
      FILTER(SData,  YEAR(SDates) =B1);
      FILTER(CrData, YEAR(CrDates)=B1)}

    you can do just:

    =FILTER({CData; SData; CrData}, YEAR({CDates; SDates; CrDates})=B1)

    now what went wrong:

    enter image description here