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Azure Resource Manager DNS: Sample code to create a DNS record

I'm currently trying to move out from using old Microsoft.Azure.Management.Dns package to the new Azure.ResourceManager.Dns.

However I've been having issues in our code that creates Dns records such as an Arecord.

I've tried to go through the official documentation

But the classes that represent an Arecord are either read only or private so I have no idea how to update this simple lines:

RecordSet set = DnsManagementClient.client.RecordSets.Get(resourceGroupName, zone, recordSetName, RecordType.A);
set.ARecords = set.ARecords ?? new List<ARecord>();
set.ARecords.Add(new ARecord(ipAddress));
DnsManagementClient.client.RecordSets.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, zone, recordSetName, RecordType.A, set, ifNoneMatch: "*");

Currently documentation only talks about Zones, can an example be added to the official documentation on how to add or update a DNS record (A,CNAME,etc..)

I'm expecting a method to create an A record that let's you specify an IP address, and currently all the classes that potentially can be used to do that are either read-only or internal.


  • DnsARecordData has an internal list of Arecords, DnsARecordData.DnsARecords is where we can invoke the Add method to create the record. The reason DnsARecordData doesn't have a setter method is due to the .Net framework design guideline..

    An example of how to create an A record using Azure.Resourcemanager.Dns can be found here:

    // Create or update A record
    string myARecordName = "myrecord";
    DnsARecordData dnsARecordData = new() {TtlInSeconds = (long)TimeSpan.FromHours(1).TotalSeconds};
    dnsARecordData.DnsARecords.Add(new DnsARecordInfo { IPv4Address = IPAddress.Parse("") });
    DnsARecordCollection dnsARecordCollection1 = dnsZoneResource.GetDnsARecords();
    dnsARecordCollection1.CreateOrUpdate(WaitUntil.Completed, myARecordName, dnsARecordData);
    // Create or update CName pointing to A record
    string myCnameName = "mycname";
    DnsCnameRecordData dnsCnameRecordData = new() { Cname = $"{myARecordName}.{DnsZone}", TtlInSeconds = (long)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).TotalSeconds, };
    DnsCnameRecordCollection cnameRecordCollection  = dnsZoneResource.GetDnsCnameRecords();
    cnameRecordCollection.CreateOrUpdate(WaitUntil.Completed, myCnameName, dnsCnameRecordData);