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When using Azure.ResourceManager .net library, how to import a certificate from KeyVault to an AppService?

I already asked this question here:, but since I haven't gotten any response there yet I hope someone on SO will have a clue.

Library name and version Azure.ResourceManager 1.12.0

Query/Question I cannot find a working way to import a certificate from KeyVault when creating/updating an AppService (WebSite).

I'm am NOT using the certificate for TLS/SSL host binding. The certificate is used by the application code to authenticate with a database service.

I have tried this:

// First set up WebSiteData (a function app in my case)
var webSiteData = new WebsiteData(...);

new CertificateClient(new Uri(_keyVaultUrl), new DefaultAzureCredential());
KeyVaultCertificateWithPolicy vaultCertificate = await certificateClient.GetCertificateAsync("cert-name");

webSiteData.HostNameSslStates.Add(new HostNameSslState
    Name = vaultCertificate.Name,
    ThumbprintString = vaultCertificate.Properties.X509ThumbprintString,
    SslState = HostNameBindingSslState.SniEnabled

var webSite = (await resourceGroup.GetWebSites().CreateOrUpdateAsync(

I haven't found any example code except similar to the webSiteData.HostNameSslStates.Add. If I add the certificate through the portal it works perfect, I just need to be able to do the same using Azure.ResourceManager

What I'm trying to do is the same as the Azure CLI command:

az webapp config ssl import --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyWebapp --key-vault MyKeyVault --key-vault-certificate-name MyCertificateName

This works fine. But how to perform the same using Azure.ResourceManager in .net code?


  • I finally got a working example from the Azure ResourceManager github project:

    Basically, you do something like this:

    //Obtain the secret value of the certificate and convert it into a byte array format PFX certificate
    var secretClient = new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultUri), new DefaultAzureCredential());
    var secret = await secretClient.GetSecretAsync("Your_Vault_Certificate_Name");
    var pfxBlob = Convert.FromBase64String(secret.Value.Value);
    //Create a AppCertificateResource
    var appCertificateCollection = resourceGroup.GetAppCertificates();
    var appCertificateName = "certificateName";
    var appCertificateData = new AppCertificateData(AzureLocation.EastUS2)
         ServerFarmId = appServicePlan.Id,//Used to specify webapp
         PfxBlob = pfxBlob,
    var appCertificate = (await appCertificateCollection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, appCertificateName, appCertificateData)).Value;

    Make sure to have NuGet package Azure.Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets in the project and import it in a "using" statement