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Autofac RegisterAssemblyOpenGenericTypes matching query

I'm attempting to register all open generic components I tag with a custom attribute. The query finds the class correctly but the interface is not registered properly. I'm able to register and resolve the component fine using RegisterGeneric

**Working: **

/// <inheritdoc />
public sealed class RetryPolicyService<TResult> : IRetryPolicyService<TResult>


Not Working:

                .Where(t =>
                    t.GetCustomAttribute<GenericTransientAttribute>() != null)
                .As(t => t.GetInterfaces()[0]);

Not Working:

                .Where(t =>
                    t.GetCustomAttribute<GenericTransientAttribute>() != null)

Break Point enter image description here

The expectation is to be able to inject IRetryPolicyService into objects. Again its working as expected when I register the type specifically.

private readonly IHttpClientService _httpClient;
private readonly IRetryPolicyService<HttpResponseMessage> _retryPolicy;

public ServiceController(
    IHttpClientService httpClient,
    IRetryPolicyService<HttpResponseMessage> retryPolicy)
    _httpClient = httpClient;
    _retryPolicy = retryPolicy;
    _retryPolicy.CreatePolicy(5, times => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(times * 1000));


  • The following simplified example works fine. If you uncomment GenericTransient attribute on the second service then controller will get its instance (last registration wins). And the retryPolicies variable will get 2 instances.

    The first variant (with GetInterfaces()) also worked after adding .GetGenericTypeDefinition().

    using Autofac;
    using System.Reflection;
    namespace Console.Core6
        internal class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                    .Where(t => t.GetCustomAttribute<GenericTransientAttribute>() != null)
                    .Where(t => t.GetCustomAttribute<GenericTransientAttribute>() != null)
                    .As(t => t.GetInterfaces()[0].GetGenericTypeDefinition());
                var container = builder.Build();
                var controller = container.Resolve<ServiceController>();
                var retryPolicies = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IRetryPolicyService<HttpResponseMessage>>>();
        internal class GenericTransientAttribute : Attribute
        { }
        public interface IRetryPolicyService<TResult>
        { }
        public sealed class RetryPolicyService<TResult> : IRetryPolicyService<TResult>
        public sealed class RetryPolicyService2<TResult> : IRetryPolicyService<TResult>
        public class ServiceController
            private readonly IRetryPolicyService<HttpResponseMessage> _retryPolicy;
            public ServiceController(IRetryPolicyService<HttpResponseMessage> retryPolicy)
                _retryPolicy = retryPolicy;