I haven't found in the documentation or on the internet how to call the on() method in the react locomotive scroll. If you know how to do it, please advise.
const ref = useRef(null);
const options = {
smooth: true,
lerp: 0.08,
table: {
smooth: true
smartPhone: {
smooth: true
<LocomotiveScrollProvider options={options} containerRef={ref}>
<div className={demoFour.demo_four} data-scroll-container ref={ref}>
<div className={demoFour.demo_four__container}>
<section className={demoFour.home} data-scroll-section=""></section>
Their documentation (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-locomotive-scroll) shows that onUpdate
will trigger on()
. So binding a function to onUpdate
handler should do what you are looking for.
const onUpdate = () => {
// callback function for on()
<div className={demoFour.demo_four} data-scroll-container ref={ref}>
<div className={demoFour.demo_four__container}>
<section className={demoFour.home} data-scroll-section=""></section>