I am a new learning JS. Who can help me complete this code. I have 2 problem:
render child Node user Chat when click without duplicate
how to remove child Node user when close chat window
full code is here: Jsfiddle
// event handling when click
handleEvents: function () {
let _this = this;
userChatList.onclick = function (e) {
const userNode = e.target.closest(".user-chat__item");
if (userNode) {
userIndex = Number(userNode.getAttribute("user-num"));
const getChatWithItems = document.querySelectorAll(".chat-with__item");
getChatWithItems.forEach(item => {
item.onclick = function(e){
const itemNode = e.target.closest(".chat-with__top i");
//render user chat with someone
renderUserChat: function (num) {
// console.log(userIndex);
chatWithItem = document.createElement("li");
chatWithItem.setAttribute('user-num', num);
chatWithItem.innerHTML = `
<div class="chat-with__top">
<div class="chat-with__img">
<img src="${this.users[num].img}" alt="${this.users[num].name}">
<span class="user__status ${this.users[num].status}"></span>
<p class="chat-with__name">${this.users[num].name}</p>
<i class="fa-solid fa-xmark"></i>
<div class="chat-with__body">
<ul class="chat__text">
<li class="chat-text__user">Hey. 👋</li>
<li class="chat-text__user user__chatting">I am here</li>
<li class="chat-text__user user__chatting">What's going on?</li>
<li class="chat-text__user">Have you finished the "project 2" yet?</li>
<li class="chat-text__user user__chatting">I have been fixed bugs</li>
<li class="chat-text__user">OK.</li>
<div class="chat-width__footer">
<i class="fa-solid fa-image"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-folder"></i>
<div class="chat-width__input">
<input type="text" id="send-sms" name="send SMS" placeholder="...">
<i class="fa-solid fa-paper-plane-top"></i>
<ul class="chat-with__list">
I have not still known how to solve it, up to now
Finnaly I find the way to code. This is my way
handleEvents: function () {
let _this = this;
let currentChat = [];
userChatList.onclick = function (e) {
const userNode = e.target.closest(".user-chat__item");
if (userNode) {
userIndex = Number(userNode.getAttribute("user-num"));
// get value 'userIndex' for currentChat array
function getCurrentChat(arr, index) {
// check value userIndex in a currentChat array
function checkCurrentChat(arr, index) {
if (arr.indexOf(index) < 0) {
getCurrentChat(currentChat, userIndex);
return true;
} else {
return false;
let isExisted = checkCurrentChat(currentChat, userIndex);
// console.log(isExisted);
if (isExisted) {
const getChatWithItems = chatWithList.querySelectorAll(".chat-with__item");
getChatWithItems.forEach( function(item) {
item.onclick = function (e) {
const closeChat = e.target.closest(".chat-with__top i");
const getNum = Number(closeChat.parentElement.getAttribute("user-num"));
const findNum = currentChat.indexOf(getNum);
currentChat.splice(findNum, 1);
inside, i add an attribute to get number (userIndex):
<div class="chat-with__top" user-num ="${num}">
if you use second .parentElement, it will ok.