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why locking read with range condition locks every record when there is only one index column in mysql?

create two tables for comparation:

create table t1(id integer primary key);
create table t2(id integer primary key, num integer);
insert into t1 values (0),(3),(6),(9);
insert into t2 values (0, 0), (3, 3), (6, 6), (9, 9);

start transaction tx1 and do a locking read for table t1:

start transaction;
select * from t1 where id >=3 and id < 8 for update;

The locks that tx1 holds look like this:

enter image description here

Now rollback tx1, start transaction tx2 and do a locking read for table t2:

start transaction;
select * from t2 where id >=3 and id < 8 for update;

The locks that tx2 holds look like this:

enter image description here

The behavior of tx2 conforms to my understanding of the mysql locking model. Why does tx1 lock every index record in table t1?

================ UPDATE ==================

Now using explain I saw some differences:

enter image description here

================ UPDATE 2 ==================

As @Bill Karwin 's answer points out, type: index means the whole index tree is scanned, see the ref join-types.

However, if I insert one more row: insert into t1 values (12), the join type changes to type: range and it won't lock all index records!

enter image description here

I guess there are some internal quirks in mysql source code.


  • All rows that are examined are locked.

    The answer is in the EXPLAIN report. The query that does type: index is doing an index-scan, which examines every member of the index. In the case of the PRIMARY index, this effectively examines the whole table.

    The query that does type: range is examining a subset of the rows.

    The optimizer chose to do an index-scan for some reason. I'm not sure exactly why. It could depend on the version of MySQL you are using. You can check with this query: SELECT VERSION();

    I believe this query is treated as an index-scan when it's a covering index. That is the EXPLAIN note that says "Using index." If the columns fetched by the query are the same columns in the index, then it's a covering index.

    You get the same optimization strategy (index scan) if you test this query:

    select id from t2 where id >=3 and id < 8 for update;

    Because id is the column of the primary key index, and it's the only column returned by the query.