I am trying to write some code that will be making a request to a firebase database, but it just doesn't work:
import { firebaseApp } from './firebase_config';
import {
} from 'firebase/database';
const database = getDatabase(firebaseApp);
const wbRef = ref(database, 'collections');
wbRef.orderByChild('field1').equalTo('value1').once('value', (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
After bundling the code I use it in my browser extension and I get an error e.g. wbRef.orderByChild is not a function
I have tried different alternatives for the following lines of code:
const wbRef = ref(database, 'collections');
wbRef.orderByChild('field1').equalTo('value1').once('value', (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
No matter what alternatives I write I always get x is not a function or y not defined
You're using the Firebase v9 or later SDK, which uses a new modular syntax with top-level functions, rather than the namespaced method calls from v8 and before. You can't mix and match these syntaxes though, as your code is doing.
To run a query with the v9 syntax:
const wbRef = ref(database, 'collections');
const query = query(wbRef, orderByChild('field1'), equalTo('value1'))
get(query).then((snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
Don't forget to add the new functions this uses to your import statement.