Imagine data for a team with a bunch of team members, where both members and teams have associated data. Is there a search syntax that would allow me to
In SQL terms, this would be equivalent to WHERE, GROUP BY , HAVING, ORDER BY
If it helps, see below for sample data. In specific terms, here is a sample question I'm trying to ask:
I want all teams whose average number of goals of players with at least E years of experience is > G, sorted by the team's number of wins in descending order.
Note: Because the user can filter on anything, saving pre-aggregated data in the index is not an option. I need search syntax that will enable me to do this dynamically, on the fly.
PUT sample
"mappings": {
"dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"teamId": { "type": "keyword", "index": true, "doc_values": true },
"teamAge": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true },
"wins": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true },
"losses": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true },
"memberId": { "type": "keyword", "index": true, "doc_values": true },
"exp": { "type": "float", "index": true, "doc_values": true},
"age": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true},
"height": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true},
"weight": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true},
"goals": { "type": "integer", "index": true, "doc_values": true},
"code": { "type": "keyword", "index": true, "doc_values": true}
PUT sample/_doc/1
{ "teamId" : "A", "teamAge":7 , "wins": 10, "losses": 5, "memberId" : "A1" , "exp": "1" , "age" : "21" , "code": "X", "goals": 12, "height": 72, "weight": 170 }
PUT sample/_doc/2
{ "teamId" : "A", "teamAge":7 , "wins": 10, "losses": 5, "memberId" : "A2" , "exp": "2" , "age" : "31" , "code": "Y", "goals": 15, "height": 75, "weight": 190 }
PUT sample/_doc/3
{ "teamId" : "A", "teamAge":7 , "wins": 10, "losses": 5, "memberId" : "A3" , "exp": "3" , "age" : "41" , "code": "Z", "goals": 20, "height": 80, "weight": 210 }
PUT sample/_doc/4
{ "teamId" : "B", "teamAge":6 , "wins": 12, "losses": 3, "memberId" : "B1" , "exp": "1" , "age" : "22" , "code": "Z", "goals": 20, "height": 80, "weight": 220 }
PUT sample/_doc/5
{ "teamId" : "B", "teamAge":6 , "wins": 12, "losses": 3, "memberId" : "B2" , "exp": "2" , "age" : "32" , "code": "X", "goals": 18, "height": 78, "weight": 200 }
PUT sample/_doc/6
{ "teamId" : "B", "teamAge":6 , "wins": 12, "losses": 3, "memberId" : "B3" , "exp": "3" , "age" : "42" , "code": "X", "goals": 16, "height": 76, "weight": 185 }
PUT sample/_doc/7
{ "teamId" : "B", "teamAge":6 , "wins": 12, "losses": 3, "memberId" : "B4" , "exp": "4" , "age" : "52" , "code": "Y", "goals": 12, "height": 72, "weight": 170 }
PUT sample/_doc/8
{ "teamId" : "C", "teamAge":5 , "wins": 11, "losses": 4, "memberId" : "C1" , "exp": "1" , "age" : "23" , "code": "Y", "goals": 16, "height": 76, "weight": 190 }
PUT sample/_doc/9
{ "teamId" : "C", "teamAge":5 , "wins": 11, "losses": 4, "memberId" : "C2" , "exp": "2" , "age" : "33" , "code": "X", "goals": 18, "height": 78, "weight": 195 }
PUT sample/_doc/10
{ "teamId" : "C", "teamAge":5 , "wins": 11, "losses": 4, "memberId" : "C3" , "exp": "2" , "age" : "43" , "code": "Z", "goals": 19, "height": 79, "weight": 225 }
The following query gets all the teams with team members with at least 1 year of experience with an average number of goals greater than 10 sorted by the team total of wins descending.
POST sample/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"range": {
"exp": {
"gt": 1
"aggs": {
"teams": {
"terms": {
"field": "teamId",
"size": 100,
"order": {
"numberOfWins": "desc"
"aggs": {
"numberOfWins": {
"max": {
"field": "wins"
"averageGoals": {
"avg": {
"field": "goals"
"averageGoals_filter": {
"bucket_selector": {
"buckets_path": {
"total": "averageGoals"
"script": " > 10"
"size": 0