I am new to DyanmoDB. I am creating partition key and sort key when pushing data into DynamoDb but when i want to retrieve the data i have the partition key but not the complete sort key. I know the beginning of the sort key but not the complete key.
table.query(QueryEnhancedRequest.builder().queryConditional(QueryConditional.keyEqualTo(Key.builder().partitionValue("KEY#" + id).build())).build())
Below are the tables partition and sort key:
private static final String TEMPLATE = "%s#%s";
public String getPk() {
return String.format(TEMPLATE, "KEY", getId());
public String getSk() {
return String.format(TEMPLATE, "KEY_SORT", getName());
I used what i provided above but its showing this error:
The provided key element does not match the schema (Service: DynamoDb, Status Code: 400, Request ID: response id)
After looking into the issue i found out that key should be the combination of partition and sort key. But the issue is i don't know the complete sort key for the second request.
You need to use QueryConditional
with sortBeginsWith()
For example, imagine you have the following information
partition key pk
= "key#23456"
sort key sk
begins with "abcd"
you are unsure of the remainder of the sort key:
QueryConditional condition = QueryConditional.sortBeginsWith(
QueryEnhancedRequest request = QueryEnhancedRequest.builder()