I need to apply a text filtering on the string Mod*
followed by a specific one character e.g "H"
, like:
(Mod h
) , (Mod xxx H
) , (Module x H
) , (Mod H
) , (Model xx H
) and so on.
But: There are some unwanted cells are included on the result because it includes the string "Moderate"
(Moderate , Moderately)
So, I added a second filter to excludes that specific string "<>*Moderate*"
The problem: is that some cells could contain “Moderate”
and Mod
followed by one character, Like:
Moderate xxx Mod H
and subsequently are not includes on filtered data.
although I need that cells on the expected result.
this is a test sample:
ID Description |
beside chemical module h at eastern side |
all moderately at mod H&B and north |
Replace moderately at mod C&B and north |
between Mod. A & Mod. H |
Five moderately h pipe |
and this is the expected result:
ID Description |
beside chemical module h at eastern side |
all moderately at mod H&B and north |
between Mod. A & Mod. H |
This is my code , I need to overcome this obstacle.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub Filter_Critr()
Const critr1 As String = "*Mod*H*"
Const critr2 As String = "<>*Moderat*"
Dim ws As Worksheet, LRow As Long, rng As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
LRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:J" & LRow) 'Source Range to apply Filter on it
If Not ws.AutoFilterMode Then rng.AutoFilter 'Set AutoFilter if not already set
rng.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=critr1, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:=critr2
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
End Sub
Working with more than 2 criteria other than exact matching is not possible with autofilter. Instead, what about an helper column? For example, using a regular expression to be very explicit. Here is an example:
Public Function RegexMatch(str, pat) As Boolean
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.pattern = pat
RegexMatch = .Test(str)
End With
End Function
Called at the worksheet level with:
- Word-boundary to assert that what follows is not preceded by other word-characters;[Mm]od
- Upper-/lowercase 'm' followed by 'od';(?!erate)
- Negative lookahead to assert position is not followed by 'erate';.*
- Any (0+, greedy) characters other than newline;\b[hH]\b
- Match upper-/lowercase letter 'h' and assert that it's a single letter substring with word-boundaries.See an online demo here. Now you can refer to these boolean values in your autofilter.