I'm trying to issue an update ExecuteStatementRequest using DynamoDB and Java SDK 2.0. I'm struggling to escape keywords that are columns in my table schema.
The following statement:
var response = client.executeStatement(ExecuteStatementRequest.builder()
UPDATE "my-table"
SET value=12.5
WHERE assignmentId='item1#123#item2#456#item3#789'
When I run the following statement (notice that value
column is a reserved keyword) I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.DynamoDbException: Statement wasn't well formed, can't be processed: Expected identifier for simple path (Service: DynamoDb, Status Code: 400, Request ID: XXX)
If instead of value
I change the column name to val
, the statement works fine. I know that in UdateItem
operations I can pass in an array of expressionAttributeNames
to replace keywords with aliases. Is there a similar primitive I can use for ExecuteStatementRequest
The documentation you link explicitly says what you need to do:
You can use a reserved keyword as a quoted identifier with double quotation marks (for example,
That is the SQL standard way of escaping reserved words. In other words, use "value"
(or possibly "VALUE"
) in your statement instead of value