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How to forward an incoming call to a Twilio number to another number?

I need to forward incoming calls to my Twilio number to a personal number. I need to do this by Java code because I have a few other Business logic executing when TwiMl App redirect the request and because of that, I can't use Twilio Studio.

I tried a few ways but didn't work and can't make the following method work. I think these are deprecated now,

Call call = Call.creator(
    new PhoneNumber(TWILIO_NUMBER),
    new PhoneNumber(FORWARD_TO),
    new PhoneNumber(TWILIO_NUMBER)

And even following redirect() method is also not there now.


So what I need is when a call comes to my Twilio number then that call should be forwarded to my personal number. So how to do this? Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance.


  • The code block in your question triggers an outgoing call, which is why it doesn't work to handle incoming calls (and because the third parameter should contain TwiML and not a phone number).

    To handle incoming calls with business logic, you need to implement a webhook that returns TwiML. Use the <Dial> Tag in this TwiML response to initiate the call forwarding. Check out this tutorial to learn more about this.

    The proper code should go like this:

    import com.twilio.twiml.voice.Dial;
    import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
    import com.twilio.twiml.voice.Say;
    import com.twilio.twiml.TwiMLException;
    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Dial dial = new Dial.Builder("415-123-4567").build();
            Say say = new Say.Builder("Goodbye").build();
            VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().dial(dial)
            try {
            } catch (TwiMLException e) {